Construction Claims

With global, multi-sectoral experience our teams acknowledge that construction projects are a dynamic process where change is inevitable. We take a proactive and hands-on approach in managing change to reach an amicable resolution without the need to resort to a formal dispute process.

Our teams:

  • Embrace this entitlement
  • Prepare clear and concise entitlement submissions
  • Depict the contractual merit
  • Maximise entitlement to time and cost
  • Use high end multi-media presentations to demonstrate our client’s position
  • Maximise entitlement to time and cost

Typically our entitlement submissions include:

  • Variation and change orders
  • Extension of time submissions
  • Delay only and prolongation costs
  • Delay and disruption entitlement
  • Disruption only entitlement submissions
  • Acceleration submissions
  • Contractual dispute/opinion
  • Position/strategy documents